2021 Law Day Contests Announced


Law Day Contests & Programs Announced

March 31, 2021. Washington, PA.  Washington County students grades 2 through 12 — and adults — are invited to submit entries for this year’s Law Day Contests sponsored by the Washington County Bar Association, the Washington County Bar Foundation, and the Observer-Reporter newspaper. The entry deadline is 4pm on Friday, April 23. The bookmark contest for grades 2-5 has cash prizes ranging from $15 to $50; and the editorial essay, creative arts, and box diorama contests for grades 6-12 have cash prizes ranging from $100 to $225. All place winners and honorable mentions for all contests will receive a certificate and winners will be featured the first week of May in the Observer-Reporter.

This year’s theme “Advancing the Rule of Law, Now,” is a reminder that “We the People” share the responsibility to promote the rule of law, defend liberty, and pursue justice. More detailed information about the theme is available in the contest brochure available at www.washcobar.org/public-education. Lesson plans are available at www.lawday.org. In addition, a six-part civic education series will be held throughout 2021 on the topic, with the first, “The Rule of Law in Action: Civility and Civil Discourse,” being held on April 15 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm via Zoom; register at www.washcobar.org, Upcoming Events. The program is free and open to the public. All six sessions will be recorded and available to schools to use as part of their Law Day and civics programming.

The Law Day committee is also seeking submissions of Law Day Citizenship Projects that have had an impact on the Washington County community at some point over the past 24 months. Washington County residents or an organization with its primary office address in Washington County are eligible to apply for the $250 prize, which will be donated to the winner’s charity of choice.

COVID-19 has forced a few changes. The entry guidelines for the box diorama contest have been slightly modified, allowing entrants to use objects in addition to “Peeps” marshmallow treats. Dolls, block toy “minifigures”, stuffed animals, or whatever may be readily available at home or the classroom may be used as characters in the box dioramas. The box diorama contest can also be is a fun, “at home” family activity, with the adult winner of the  contest to win $200 for the charity of the winner’s choice. In addition, like last year due to COVID-19, the in-person Law Day Celebration and awards ceremony has been cancelled.

Any entry that can be emailed should be done so to Kathy@washcobar.org, including essays, photographs of box dioramas, and, if possible, creative arts submissions such as films or videos. Bookmarks and other “mailable” entries should be sent to the Bar Association office at 119 South College Street, Washington, PA 15301. Email Kathy@washcobar.org to schedule a drop-off time for submission of 3-dimensional artwork and other non-mailable and non-emailable entries. All entries must be received no later than 4pm on Friday, April 23.

Law Day U.S.A. was established in 1958 by President Eisenhower to strengthen our nation’s heritage of liberty, justice and equality under the law. Law Day is officially on May 1; however, the Washington County Bar Association provides educational resources and activities for schools throughout the spring months as part of its “law day season” of programming and in the fall for Constitution Day. One of these programs, “Turning 18: Legal Issues in the Real World,” which can be provided online, is geared toward those who will experience dramatic changes in their rights and responsibilities when they turn 18 and become, legally, adults.

For more information about Law Day or other programs offered by the Washington County Bar Association and Washington County Bar Foundation, contact WCBA Executive Director Kathy Sabol at Kathy@washcobar.org or 724-225-6710.